7 years


Showing 982 products

Різдво на Бузиновій вулиці
Мартіна Баумбах

This book will tell you about the adventures of five friends who live in the same house on Elderberry Street. Each new day brings them fun, interesting adventures, and life lessons. And also small and big joys, which make up...

Лісовий концерт + щоденник читача. 10 історій по складах
Юлія Каспарова

"10 Stories by Syllables" — a series of captivating books with short texts for reading practice. All words in the books are presented in large print and divided into syllables. This way, beginner readers will find it easier to develop...

Буквар для дошкільнят. Читайлик
Василій Федієнко

The aim of the manual is to develop the initial reading skills in older preschool children. The book will also assist in the development of phonemic awareness, mastery of sound-letter analysis, and will expand the child's vocabulary. The child will...

Велика енциклопедія молодшого школяра. Все про все
Яна Батій

The book "Everything about everything. The big encyclopedia of a junior high school student" became one of the winners of the 13th "Art of the Book" competition in the category educational and reference publications! Is it everything and about everything?...

Робочий зошит Arbeitsheft. 1. Stufe. Deutsch mit Spass
Олена Бєлозьорова

The publication (author Bielozirova O. M.) is a collection of exercises for mastering and practicing the letters, elementary vocabulary, and grammar of the German language. The themes of the manual correspond to the current program for foreign languages, so it...

Poster. Ukrainian Alphabet Uppercase

The poster is addressed to everyone who studies or teaches the Ukrainian language. Along with printed letters, it features images of uppercase letters and shows the direction of their writing.

[2] The Great Illustrated Book of Fairy Tales

Fairy tales by Ukrainian and foreign writers with drawings by leading Ukrainian illustrators. Editing and general editing by Ivan Malkovich.

Cossack. Mini-books (out of print)
Геннадій Меламед

Hello, my name is Mini! I am a curious little mouse traveling the world in search of amazing curiosities and new friends! Will you be friends with me, little one? I will tell you many wonderful stories. Today I will...

Applications for toddlers. Butterflies
Володимир Мельник

A booklet with colored templates for applications on the theme "Butterflies".

The Incredible Story of the Giant Pear
Якоб Мартін Стрід

Do you want to dive into a whirlwind of incredibly captivating adventures? Then let's get acquainted with the extraordinarily interesting book "The Incredible Story of the Giant Pear" by Jakob Martin Strid. This is not just a tale about heroes...

Companion of the Primer
Василь Федієнко

All parents know how difficult yet important it is to teach a child to read. After all, reading is the first step in the great and challenging "adult" learning process that awaits the child. The first successes or failures will...

Reading with Stickers. Colorful Stories
Гана Макуліна

"Reading with Stickers" is not just another "developmental" book with exercises for reading practice. The books in the "Reading with Stickers" series stimulate not mechanical, but conscious reading. Each book contains 2 pages with large and bright stickers. The child...

Judy Moody Saves the World. Book 3
Меґан МакДоналд

This is the third book in the series about Judy Moody. What to do if you want to save the world, but your family is destroying the rainforest? Judy Moody doesn't give up and starts small, because the teacher said...

Заводь двигун!
Євгеній Новицький

The publication was printed with funds from the institutional support grant. "Just look at how many different cars are around, and each of them is busy with its own task! Did you know that little cars can also dream and...

Улюблені вірші. Том третiй
Анатолій Костецький | Анатолій Марущак | Валентина Каменчук |...

"Meet the long-awaited third — final — volume of 'Favorite Poems'! In total, the three volumes of 'Favorite Poems' contain over 150 wonderful poems by Ukrainian and foreign poets for all tastes! With illustrations by the best Ukrainian illustrators! A...

I am studying the multiplication table. Workbook. New Ukrainian School.
Г.Ж. Іванова

What does an athlete need to do to win in competitions? Train, and train again. What does a child need to do to memorize the multiplication table? Also train! This workbook offers a very engaging and unusual training program. It...

Улюблені вірші. Том другий
Анатолій Качан | Андрій Усачов | Богдан Стельмах |...

From now on, "Favorite Poems" in two volumes! Each volume contains different poems. In total, over 100 wonderful poems by Ukrainian and foreign poets for all tastes! With illustrations by the best Ukrainian illustrators! A luxurious gift for every intelligent...

100 fairy tales. 2nd volume

"100 TALES. Volume 2" — the second book of a three-volume collection of the best Ukrainian folk tales with illustrations by leading Ukrainian artists.

Mathematics: 6+
Тетяна Будна

The series "Smart Preschooler" is a set of wonderfully illustrated manuals that will be useful for caring adults to implement an effective system of developmental activities with a child aged 2 to 7 years. This manual offers engaging educational and...

Петсон, Фіндус і торт на іменини
Свен Нордквіст

An incredible, entirely fictional story about how a birthday cake was baked for a cat that celebrates its birthday three times a year. There is a lot of warmth, tenderness, and an unexpectedly cheerful outlook on the world. The Swedish...

The Great Book of Fairy Tales. Hans Christian Andersen
Ганс-Крістіан Андерсен

This collection includes the most famous fairy tales by the outstanding Danish storyteller: "The Little Mermaid," "The Ugly Duckling," "Thumbelina," "The Snow Queen," and others. The beloved works of many generations of children are presented anew to young readers with...

Cheerful Tongue: Speech Therapy Workbook for Preschoolers. Sounds [л] [р]
Валентина Рожнів

The guide is designed for working with children who are learning to pronounce the sounds [л], [р]. It contains interesting speech therapy exercises to address issues with oral and written speech.All tasks have an educational and entertaining nature and are...

Прописи ABC-Schreibheft. 1. Stufe. Deutsch mit Spass
Олена Бєлозьорова

The worksheets will help younger students learn to write both printed and cursive letters of the German alphabet, acquire the necessary basic vocabulary, and also practice correctly pronouncing foreign sounds with the help of accompanying tongue twisters. The manual contains...

Маленька відьма
Отфрід Пройслер

Are you interested in magic? Wonderful! Here is a story about the Little Witch, who was learning to be a good sorceress. Oh, you will definitely love this little rascal! The story about her was written by the outstanding storyteller...


7 years

What to read to a 7-year-old child?

"Your child has already started school and is gradually turning from a listener into an independent reader? Congratulations! This is a wonderful reason to expand the children's library. Books for 7-year-olds are available in a huge variety. You will be able to find an option that matches your little one's interests and preferences."

There are many more books suitable for the specified age than one can imagine. And if some of the recommended books for children at this age are not liked, then set them aside for a while; perhaps they will be enjoyed in a year.

Features of books intended for 7-year-old readers

At the age of 6-7, the younger school age begins. Such a child is already capable of perceiving quite complex and serious literature, reading entire series of books. Educational books for children with an interesting, dynamic plot remain a priority.

A child aged 6-7 years can often choose what to read on their own, and it is worth supporting their choice if it does not seem completely inappropriate for their age. To find interesting books for 7-year-olds, it is recommended to focus on the following points:

  • horizon;
  • interests;
  • features of development;
  • advantages in literature.

"What a schoolboy living in a village knows may turn out to be difficult and distant for a student living in a city."

At the same time, it is necessary to broaden the child's horizons, to show her that in other countries and cities there are people who are different from her, but they are equally deserving of respect and acceptance. The main thing is to find a balance between educational literature and entertaining literature, which should not be overlooked either, in order to instill in the child a love and interest in reading.

How to choose a book?

By the age of 6-7, a young reader may develop their favorite authors and preferences in genres. Some children may want the protagonist of the story to be of the same gender, while others might prefer fully adult and scary tales, and some kids may still feel frightened just at the mention of an evil wizard.

"Book recommendations by age are just a guideline for what you might try to read during this period. It is perfectly normal if some mandatory books for children turn out to be too difficult or scary for your son or daughter, while others are simply uninteresting."

Psychologists recommend paying attention to books for children, particularly those that are interesting to toddlers. 7-year-old schoolchildren especially enjoy graphic novels. This is particularly relevant when it comes to their first independent reading.

"The more pictures there are in a book and the less text, the psychologically easier it is for a child to read such a book independently. A solid page of text in small print can easily scare even a confident young reader. And be sure to take children to bookstores, book fairs, and libraries; let them choose any book to their liking."

What's in the catalog?

Buying a book in Ukrainian is a great decision to instill a love for the Motherland in a child and to enrich their vocabulary. The best educational books for children can be found in our online store "Kazka.de". Literature in the national language is represented by both classic writers and contemporary authors. You can buy a book for a child by adding the desired item to the cart. Next, you need to go to the order page and complete the order.

Ukrainian books will be available in Germany:

  • "Pettson, Findus and the Birthday Cake" by Sven Nordqvist;
  • "Fairy Tale Therapy. Betsy, Don't Cry!" by Natalia Chub;
  • "The Fox and the Crane" by Ivan Franko;
  • "Primer for Preschoolers. Reader. Gift for a Little Genius" and others.

The online store operates worldwide, across Europe, particularly in Spain, Italy, Sweden, France, and England. We ship products to America, China, and we are located in Germany. It is important for us to understand what will be interesting and useful for a child at a specific age, and then offer it to customers.

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