Showing 49 products

Справу веде Енола Голмс. Подвійне зникнення

Enola Holmes, the younger sister of the famous detective Sherlock Holmes, lives in a country house with her mother until she is 14 years old. But it is on the girl's birthday that her mother mysteriously disappears. So the brothers...

Пазури в скриньці

Guy, Dewey and Louis get to know the life of Severus College students in Rome! They have fun in the company of new friends ... Suddenly they come across something horrible and unbelievable! Our heroes fall into a world of...

Справу веде Енола Голмс. Справа Леді Алістер

Once alone in London, Sherlock Holmes' younger sister Enola lives a secret life, has several disguises and conducts independent investigations. Ever since her mother disappeared, the girl has also left home, not wanting her brothers to find her. Once, disguised...

Гравіті Фолз. Загублені легенди. Комікси

Have you ever wondered where the creatures that inhabit Gravity Falls go when you're not looking? How do you feel when lost in the multiverse? What's in the messages Dipper and the Pacific are exchanging? Now you will learn everything...

tini chornoho lisu zhaxostoriyi disney

The stay of the ducks of Guy, Dewey and Louis in the school of the shadow town of the black forest of Boisombre is coming to an end. Friends are ready to return home ... But an adventure awaits them...

Number and digit. Comic encyclopedia

A mix of an encyclopedia and a comic book! From now on, studying mathematics is twice as interesting, because a cool superhero cat will talk about it!Here you will find:- curiosities about the past and present of mathematical science;- math...

Справу веде Енола Голмс. Таємниця білих маків

Dr. Watson is gone! This is such an investigation for Enola Holmes! She invents a new disguise: she turns into a real lady - and in this form goes to Mrs. Watson. There the girl notices a strange bouquet. Enola,...

Ice heart 2. Comic book

A mysterious voice warns the queen: the people of Arendelle are in danger! Elsa, along with Anna, Kristoff, Sven and Olaf are determined to save the kingdom. They go on an incredible journey to the north, to the enchanted forest....

Emil and Margot. Monsters are not allowed

The plot of "Emil and Margot" introduces us to the little prince and princess. Like ordinary children: they play, study, get sick and do not like to go to school or clean. And nothing extraordinary would have happened to them...

Two for me, one for you

There is "Lady with an Ermine" - a famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci. And there is the Bear with the Ermine - these are the characters of Jörg Mühle's story (do you remember the cartoons about the Hare? That's...

Rapunzel (Tangled History). Disney comics

Hit Disney now in comics! Join Rapunzel and her friends, Eugene, Cassandra, Pascal, Maximus, and go with them to meet the adventures in the fairy kingdom. Will Rapunzel be able to become a real princess, save her family and at...

Vyshenka diaries. A frozen zoo. Book 1

Vyshenka is an inquisitive and clever girl who cannot imagine her life without various investigations, daily notes and new adventures. The first volume tells how she, together with her friends, helped an animal artist revive an abandoned zoo and breathe...

Крижане серце. Комікс

The little princesses were separated for many years by the uncontrollable magic of Elsa. The sisters were forced to live on opposite sides of the closed door. Finally came the day of Elsa's coronation. All the doors were opened in...

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Disney comics

This wonderful tale tells about the good beauty Snow White. Children will not only read a touching story of a girl who seeks recognition and love, but gets into trouble ... The book will help the reader to look into...

ihry shpyhuniv komiksy minni ta dejzi epizod 2 lahidnyj krokodyl

Do you want to play spies? Welcome to the team of fearless and clever Minnie and Daisy! Together with them you will expose enemy spies and win over them! Incredible adventures, secrets and interesting journeys await you ... Don't be...

MINECRAFT Comic book. Volume 1

The first graphic novel about the amazing game world of Minecraft! Tyler is an ordinary teenager, but after moving from his hometown, his life changes dramatically. Fortunately, Tyler has loyal friends who are forever united by their love for the...

Тачки 3. Комікс

Young Jackson Storm took part in the Big Piston Cup competition - and it turned out that the famous Lightning McQueen is no longer the fastest car! After the terrible accident, the number 95 was faced with the question of...

Енциклопедія-комікс. Додавання та віднімання

Mix encyclopedia and comics! It is twice as interesting to study mathematics from now on, because a cool superhero cat will tell about it! In "Encyclopedias-comics" you will find: - interesting facts about the past and present of mathematical science;...

Зростаю разом з Disney. Тачки

Activities with your favorite Disney characters. The best gift for the holidays! A bright book, on the pages of which you will find cars from your favorite Disney cartoons. Great edition for reading in the family circle. As many as...

Little Mermaid Disney comics

Incredibly romantic story of the Little Mermaid from Ariel herself! The reader learns about the adventures of a strange beauty, about her love and how she overcame all obstacles for her dream.

Three against evil. Part three

Three vs Zla is a fun Ukrainian comic book about two friends, Anton and Orest, who went to the fair world to save their third friend Roman. In the first and second part of the salvation they failed, so you...

Three against evil. Part two

Three vs Zla is a fun Ukrainian comic book about two friends, Anton and Orest, who went to the fair world to save their third friend Roman. In the first part of the salvation they failed, so you keep in...

Three against evil. Part one

Anton and Orest – two teenage friends – surprised the multicks in which their peers enter fairy worlds. And that's a day, they are themselves through the teleport forced to break into a parallel world to save their friend Roman....

Ghost of Kyiv

Famous manga author Matsuda Gyuko was inspired by the events of February 2022, when Ukrainian pilots heroically defended the sky over Kyiv during the severe escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian war 40th Tactical Aviation Brigade.The feat of the Ukrainian aces gave rise...


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