Showing 42 products

City of girls

City of Girls is the new bestseller from Elizabeth Gilbert, who conquered the world with Eat, Pray, Love and The Nature of All Things.  This is an intriguing novel about female sexuality and freedom, about the courage to be yourself...

Eat, pray, love

"Eat, pray, love" is an extremely sincere story of a woman about spiritual rebirth and positive changes in life. The author of the book proved by her own example that even after the biggest crises it is possible not only...

Happy people read books and drink coffee

The bestseller of the French writer Agnes Martin-Lugan is a sad and beautiful story of a woman who, after the death of her beloved husband and daughter, loses the meaning of her existence. The main character learns to live, love,...

The nature of all things

The Nature of All Things is a bestseller by Elizabeth Gilbert, author of the world-famous novels Eat, Pray, Love and City of Girls. This is an amazing story about growing up and searching for yourself, thirst for knowledge, sexuality, freedom...

Felix Austria

Stanislavov in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. An ordinary city on the border of "happy Austria", in which they live, suffer, fall in love, admire science and charlatan performances of world-famous illusionists, have fun at balls and carnivals,...

White ash

Private detective Taras Bily is ordered to investigate the murder of a young lady. They accuse a certain seminarian Homa Brutus, and the case seems to be clear... However, the village where the murder took place hides a secret. And...

A kiss in New York

"Forget your exes in ten easy steps!" It is from this book that the incredible adventure of Charlotte and Anthony begins on the eve of Christmas in New York. Charlotte is stuck at the airport due to a canceled flight....

The truth about the Harry Quebert case

The book "The Truth About the Case of Harry Quebert", having just been published, immediately became a bestseller in France and brought its author, at that time 27-year-old Joël Dikker, the Grand Prix of the French Academy for the best...

I see you are interested in the dark

Andrii Gaister, a criminal psychologist from Kyiv, is sent as a consultant to the godforsaken village of Buskiv Sad. A little girl disappeared there on a winter night. And there is also the Beast - a serial maniac whose murders...

The perfect stranger

There are many failures and painful mistakes behind the back of the former journalist Leah Stevens - they will not be able to be corrected, forgotten, or suppressed by the passage of time. In order to somehow fix her life,...

Kite catcher

One frosty day in the winter of 1975, the Afghan boy Amir witnesses a terrible act. This event forever changes both his own life and the fate of his close friend Hassan. The thing is not only in what he...

Ask Miechka

What should sisters do who are so easily lost in their own thoughts and desires in a big city? Everything seems to be fine, but I want to put life on pause, at least until September, and return to the...

The color of magic

The Color of Magic is the first novel in the Discworld series (the Rincewind sub-cycle) by Terry Pratchett, a master of intellectual fantasy. Written in the 1980s, the novel parodies the clichés of contemporary fiction and, with witty allusions, puns...

Excuse me, they are waiting for me

Young and ambitious translator Yael lives only by work, her every step is measured, every minute is counted. A demanding boss appreciates her very much, clients adore her, and colleagues fear her - because she does not give herself or...

A kiss in Paris

On the eve of Christmas, Serena flies from America to Paris to organize a family trip with her sister and create a special album with photos of the places where their parents used to walk. But all her plans suddenly...

Mozart 2.0

"Mozart 2.0." — a new story by Dorzh Batu, the author of the Ukrainian bestsellers "Francesca. Mistress of trajectories" and "Francesca. The owner of the officer's badge."  Imagine Mozart in modern New York! Yes, yes, the same, Wolfgang Amadeus. In...

Coco 2.0

"Coco 2.0" is a new novel by the Ukrainian bestselling author Dorzh Batu, which continues the adventures that began in the book "Mozart 2.0». Who does not know the legendary Mademoiselle Chanel, creator of the little black dress, tweed suit,...

Francesca. Mistress of trajectories

In the past, Andriy Vasiliev worked as a news anchor and prepared reports from hot spots. And today he is a trajectory correction operator at the Flight Control Center of the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Riddle 622 numbers

One December morning, a corpse is found on the floor in room 622 of a luxury hotel in the Swiss Alps. The police never managed to solve the case, and with the passage of time, many people forgot about what...

Night swimming in August

The second edition of Serhiy Osoka's book of short prose "Night Bathing in August" is supplemented with a number of new works that will definitely delight fans of his talent. This book is the most convincing proof that we all...

Bridget Jones's Diary

Bridget Jones is 30 with a ponytail, she is single and really wants to change her life. On the eve of the New Year, Bridget promises herself: to quit smoking, to lose weight, not to waste money, not to fall...

A whimsical glow

Strange Glow is the second novel in the Discworld series of the Rincewind sub-cycle, continuing the adventures of the failed wizard Rincewind and the first Disc tourist Twoflower, which began in The Color of Magic. An ominous red star threatens...

Lovers of books do not sleep alone

This story is a continuation of the story of a woman who, having lost her beloved husband and little daughter, tries with all her might to find the meaning of existence and return to a full life. She seems to...

It's time to light the stars again

When you have so many debts that it seems impossible to get out of them, when your poor family ship with two daughters on board is not only leaking, but simply sinking - it's time to go look at the...


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